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The Fleet Because BSH is a space based RP the ships of the Fleet are the primary focus of the space-faring Colonials. Carina civilian transport ship destroyed in Star Cluster.

John Jackson Miller S Writers Commentary On Battlestar Galactica Counterstrike 5 The Long Awaited Conclusion

Battlestar Galactica Shipyards is an encyclopedia of the ships from the Battlestar Galactica universe.

Battlestar galactica ships of the fleet book. Since the Holocaust Galactica is the militarys sole capital ship of. The fleet consisted mostly of civilian ships that assembled around Galactica when Commander Adama called for all survivors to escape in any ship they could find shortly after the Cylon holocaust led by Baltar. Spanning three TV series.

In the pre-Holocaust Colonial Service battlestars like Galactica operated as part of numbered naval fleets eg. Battlestar Pegasus BG 62 Mercury Class military Battlestar destroyed during the New Caprica Exodus. The original from 1978 the reimagined series from 2003 and the 10-part web series from 2012 this book features ships from the time of the First Cylon War to the stealth craft Blackbird from After The Fall.

These ships were introduced during the Cylon War taking on the role of battleship. With ships of both the Colonial Fleet and the Cylons from the original 1978 US TV series the reimagined series from 2003 and the ten-part web series Blood Chrome this book provides in-universe profiles and plans of the key spacecraft of the shows with detail that has rarely - if ever -. Check out Spacedocks more indepth version.

She continued to serve in the fleet for 40 years after the war largely out of tradition and. Battlestar Galactica BG 75 Galactica Class military battlestar. Under the leadership of Commander Adama the Galactica and the pilots of Viper fighters lead a fugitive fleet of survivors in search of the fabled thirteenth colony known as Earth.

The Colonial assaultstar is the largest class of planetary assault ships the Colonials operate. Galactica was built during the the First Cylon War and was one of just three ships of her class to survive the conflict. Battlestar Galatica Ships Of The Fleet Battlestar Galactica ISBN.

The ships are designed to receive goods and. Armed with three racks of Mega Metron Bombs and four Megatron Torpedo launchers it is well suited to attack both large and small planetary targets. Battlestar Galactica Shipyards is an encyclopedia of the ships from the Battlestar Galactica universe.

Of the entire Colonial battle fleet only the Battlestar Galactica a gigantic battleship and spacecraft carrier appears to have survived the Cylon attack. The freighter Delphi is shown in the Galactica 1980. There are currently forty-one ships in Hyperions fleet with a total population of 52010.

Whats up Lore Masters Today we take a look at the Colonial fleet as realized through the game Deadlock. Spanning three TV series. The Fourth Fleet A typical fleet comprised 600 fighting ships and operated independently from other fleets.

Galactica part of BSG 75 was a Jupiter Class Battlestar the last of her kind still serving in her original condition with the Colonial Fleet at the time of the Second Cylon War. 17 rows An unnamed Flattop ship. The Loki type heavy cruiser is a lightly armed support ship in service with the Colonial Fleet during the First Cylon War where two or three of these ships would be assigned to a battlestar group at any given time.

The original from 1978 the reimagined series from 2003 and the 10-part web series from 2012 this book features ships from the time of the First Cylon War to the stealth craft Blackbird from After The Fall. The battlestars were the Colonial Fleets Capital Ships and each of these battlestars is different from the other.